Contact Us

The Bike Kitchen is located in room 36 of the Life Building at the University of British Columbia. We are accessible from the outside of the building through the south-west doors to the basement. If you are taking public transit, you may take any bus traveling towards the UBC bus loop. If you are driving, the nearest parking lot is the North Parkade on Student Union Boulevard.

For inquiries related to our repair services and bike sales, please contact our Service Shop. For inquiries related to our programs, please contact our Programs Office.


Programs Office

Please email us to get in touch.
Office hours by appointment only.

Donations + Outreach

General Questions + Book us for an Event

Service Shop

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 11am-6pm
Sunday: closed
All holidays & long weekends: closed


CLOSED MARCH 24th and 35th


The Bike Kitchen
Room 36, UBC Life Building
6138 Student Union Blvd.
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z1


please note: NO tool usage in the shop without closed-toe shoes

As of April 2022 The Bike Kitchen is no longer involved with bike storage.
Please contact these folks for assistance with Cages & Lockers:

Bicycle Parking information can be found here

Contact these folks for support: &


It is important to us that our shop is as accessible as possible. If you’re experiencing an accessibility barrier, or need more information about whether our shop meets your needs do not hesitate to get in touch.

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South Entrance

This entrance leads to the main floor of the UBC Life Building. Past the Starbucks, near the washrooms on your right there is an elevator. Take the elevator down to the LG level. Once out of the elevator go left down the hallway, then right. The BK will be on your left.


North Entrance


The North Entrance is no longer accessible, it is under heavy construction

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West Entrance

Down two short staircases with a power operated door at the bottom of each. Once through the second door the BK is on your right.

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East Entrance

The east entrance has a set of doors which are NOT power operated. Once through the doors head down the hall past the Subway and Starbucks. You can either take the elevator down (to the right past Starbucks) or take the stairs (to the left).

-Stairs: At the bottom of the stairs go left down the hall. The BK is on your left.

-Elevator: Once out of the elevator go left down the hallway, then take your first right.

The BK will be on your left.

The Shop Entrance

The entrance is composed of two doors that are left open during operating hours, and during evening programming. The entrance is 71.5 inches wide.

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The Bike kitchen is not a Scent reduced space

The chemicals most frequently used in the space are chain oil and bearing grease. We also use DOT oil and penetrating oils on a regular basis. Rubbing alcohol and WD-40 are occasionally dispensed with spray bottles.
